prepare report 19.62   He helped Ms. Machel prepare her report.
  prepare meal 10.93   - Prepare a meal.
  prepare food 9.41   Now I prepare food.
  prepare case 9.15   His wife, Noa, left, has helped prepare the case.
  prepare ground 7.70   Our task is simply to prepare the ground.
  prepare plan 7.11   Oates is preparing alternate plans.
  prepare student 6.91   How do I prepare students for that?
  prepare attack 6.39   Israel said the suspects were preparing attacks.
  prepare statement 5.60   He prepared a statement.
  prepare defense 4.94   They are preparing a defense.
  prepare way 4.81   The way they prepare.
  prepare list 4.48   Comandante Huerta was preparing a list.
  prepare team 4.28   He prepares the team extremely well.
  prepare charge 3.75   Police said they were preparing murder charges.
  prepare document 3.75   It was unclear who prepared the document.
  prepare response 3.75   Official responses were being prepared.
  prepare dinner 3.42   My mother already would have prepared dinner.
  prepare dish 3.29   Prepare freezable dishes.
  prepare child 2.90   How to prepare children for the strategy?
  prepare bomb 2.70   It appeared that he was preparing a bomb.
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