1.   The ceasefire turned out to be just a cover to gain time to prepare another attack.

2.   A Spanish investigative judge has formally accused them of helping to prepare the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

3.   Cerpa, leader of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, said police are preparing an attack on the residence, through the tunnel.

4.   He confessed that he was helping to prepare an attack on U.S. targets in Paris, including the embassy.

5.   In the villages, the insurgents can prepare their attacks more easily and also withdraw from Serbian attack.

6.   In Washington, officials at the State and Defense Departments, as well as intelligence analysts, said there were no new signs that Iran was preparing an attack.

7.   Odeh, the Jordanian who helped prepare that attack, distinguished for the FBI between two types of al-Qaeda operatives.

8.   Some of the men cited as sources have in the past denied that Arafat, the Palestinian leader, had a role in preparing attacks.

9.   The bomber came from Jenin refugee camp, but Israeli officials claimed he had been hiding in another city as he prepared his attack.

10.   The cease-fire was broken when Zedillo sent the army after the rebels and their leaders in February, claiming the Zapatistas were preparing attacks elsewhere in Mexico.

v. + attack >>共 478
launch 8.81%
prevent 4.71%
condemn 4.68%
carry 4.29%
follow 3.85%
plan 3.70%
stop 3.24%
blame 2.73%
stage 2.39%
report 1.79%
prepare 0.59%
prepare + n. >>共 1260
report 5.22%
meal 2.91%
food 2.51%
case 2.44%
ground 2.05%
plan 1.89%
student 1.84%
attack 1.70%
statement 1.49%
defense 1.31%
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