51.   The increasing popularity of Wallpaper magazine also reflects this trend.

52.   The moves reflected a trend among investors to link the pound to the euro in dollar trading.

53.   The recent explosion of colorful vegetables in seed catalogs reflects the trend toward growing vegetables that look as good as they taste.

54.   The saga of this bath reflects many trends of the recent boom.

55.   The restructuring, which will focus on Europe, where the company is the largest appliance maker, reflects a trend in which global manufacturers are consolidating operations there.

56.   The selection is quite good and the prices reflect market trends.

57.   The second change -- the expansion into new ethical concerns -- reflects several trends in society.

58.   The trend is reflected in the recent improvement in employment and income, it said.

59.   The three computer books reviewed here are each different and reflect deepening trends in the computer publishing marketplace.

60.   The unemployment numbers reflect the trend, too.

v. + trend >>共 466
buck 10.95%
reverse 9.28%
follow 5.08%
continue 4.17%
reflect 3.90%
see 2.78%
set 2.20%
start 1.97%
confirm 1.49%
track 1.36%
reflect + n. >>共 1536
change 3.17%
concern 3.03%
view 1.91%
fact 1.80%
reality 1.65%
trend 1.43%
demand 1.41%
expectation 1.33%
difference 1.11%
light 0.99%
每页显示:    共 114