1.   Art, being the alter-ego of Religion, reflects this trend, albeit at an intensified rate.

2.   Reported opioid misuse seems to reflect this trend.

3.   The focus on households with children reflects recent trends in economic welfare in Britain.

4.   The rise of these organizations reflects the trend toward special-interest politics that has accompanied the Decline of the political party.

5.   The exclusion from patent of computer programs reflects international trends.

6.   This reflects the trend in education as a whole away from the imparting of so-called factual information towards a greater concern with process -- with how we know.

7.   Another entry reflects a trend toward adding nutritional supplements to food.

8.   Archigram sought forms that reflected these trends.

9.   Back at Marian Goodman, the other brand new installation reflects the trend toward a more inviting formal and poetic dimension seen in the later posters.

v. + trend >>共 466
buck 10.95%
reverse 9.28%
follow 5.08%
continue 4.17%
reflect 3.90%
see 2.78%
set 2.20%
start 1.97%
confirm 1.49%
track 1.36%
reflect + n. >>共 1536
change 3.17%
concern 3.03%
view 1.91%
fact 1.80%
reality 1.65%
trend 1.43%
demand 1.41%
expectation 1.33%
difference 1.11%
light 0.99%
每页显示:    共 114