buck trend 21.26   Dillard bucked the trend.
  reverse trend 18.04   Now, the trend has been reversed.
  follow trend 9.87   Compaq is following a trend.
  continue trend 8.10   But if so, it continues a trend.
  reflect trend 7.57   Rising prices reflect the trend.
  see trend 5.40   See a trend?
  set trend 4.28   Rai clearly set a trend.
  start trend 3.82   That started a trend.
  confirm trend 2.90   Census data confirm that trend.
  spot trend 2.63   Spot trends.
  track trend 2.63   Tracking makeup trends can be bewildering.
  accelerate trend 2.17   The Internet accelerates this trend.
  drive trend 1.97   Demographics drive this trend.
  show trend 1.91   Census figures show the trend.
  fuel trend 1.65   But what else is fueling the trend?
  notice trend 1.65   I notice a trend.
  find trend 1.58   Similar trends were found among the women.
  identify trend 1.51   Examine your sales records to identify trends.
  attribute trend 1.45   He attributed the trend to several causes.
  mirror trend 1.32   Phoenix mirrors the trend.
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