1.   I think the success of ballot measures to restrict hunting reflects the fact that our society is increasingly urbanized.

2.   These phases and the difficulties of separating them reflect the fact that mental processes are not subject to clearly defined distinctions and boundaries.

3.   They reflect the fact that some groups in society can create laws, and can determine what behaviour is seen as criminal.

4.   This method reflects the fact that finance costs are a function of the amount outstanding and the passage of time.

5.   The judge said that the severity of the sentences reflected the fact that the soldiers ambushed had been armed only with spades.

6.   The dirty price is now below the clean price, reflecting the fact that accrued interest is negative.

7.   However slowly, the forms tended over time to reflect the facts.

8.   The development of object-oriented processing techniques reflects the fact that such constraints were widespread.

9.   So far the volume of queries has not been large, but this probably reflects the fact that many users get help from other users at their institution.

v. + fact >>共 528
ignore 3.93%
reflect 3.79%
accept 3.61%
like 3.27%
hide 3.06%
face 2.45%
know 2.13%
overlook 1.53%
appreciate 1.48%
obscure 1.42%
reflect + n. >>共 1536
change 3.17%
concern 3.03%
view 1.91%
fact 1.80%
reality 1.65%
trend 1.43%
demand 1.41%
expectation 1.33%
difference 1.11%
light 0.99%
每页显示:    共 143