31.   A specialist is already at work, shaping the first pair of legs, which she will learn to walk on.

32.   Again, specialists are likely to zero in on pockets not demolished by flames.

33.   AIDS specialists are mindful that resistance to one protease inhibitor generally leads to a diminished therapeutic response to the second protease inhibitor.

34.   Breeding specialists are dubious over the chances of Afternoon Deelites.

35.   Burzynski says the drug has cured some cancers, but many mainstream specialists are skeptical.

36.   But as of Friday, Southern contract specialists were still not satisfied, and the signing has been put on hold.

37.   But at Batavia, she said, specialists in blindness were expert at avoiding falls and Frank can now walk with a cane.

38.   But cancer specialists were less definitive.

39.   But eye specialists are unable to predict the likelihood or speed of progression.

40.   But even the specialists are not sure what to remove and what to add.

n. + be >>共 1635
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specialist 0.01%
specialist + v. >>共 374
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