1.   A specialist recommended surgery to place tubes in her ears and to remove her adenoids to relieve the congestion that fosters the infections.

2.   For people who start from scratch, though, specialists recommend shopping around.

3.   For a while, specialists recommended plastering with tape over the crack, in an attempt to span the crack and not recrack.

4.   Health care specialists recommend women consult with someone knowledgeable in the field before taking natural hormones.

5.   I believe most painters and most specialists will recommend latex house paint over oil.

6.   Layoff specialists recommend asking for a special indulgence.

7.   Many travel-medicine specialists recommend evacuation insurance, particularly for those traveling in remote areas.

8.   Other specialists recommend that women undergoing chemotherapy have their eggs frozen, with the hope that the technology to thaw them will be perfected later.

9.   She did what the specialists recommended.

10.   Some crop specialists recommended ripping up the worst fields and planting corn or sorghum for the autumn harvest.

n. + recommend >>共 530
report 8.77%
panel 6.77%
doctor 6.72%
commission 5.92%
committee 5.79%
expert 4.12%
official 2.81%
board 2.73%
police 1.90%
group 1.72%
specialist 0.48%
specialist + v. >>共 374
say 29.93%
be 8.74%
agree 1.86%
believe 1.86%
have 1.51%
examine 1.10%
see 1.05%
warn 1.00%
recommend 0.95%
tell 0.95%
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