specialist say 39.24   Bad idea, sleep specialists say.
  specialist be 11.45   The specialists are an unusual group.
  specialist agree 2.44   Not all specialists agree.
  specialist believe 2.44   Some specialists believe the uranium rounds are environmentally harmful.
  specialist have 1.97   Balkan specialists have their doubts.
  specialist examine 1.45   Oates said a foot specialist examined Rodriguez on Wednesday.
  specialist see 1.38   But some top bone specialists see a role.
  specialist warn 1.32   Now, specialists warn, the obstacles are economic.
  specialist recommend 1.25   She did what the specialists recommended.
  specialist tell 1.25   Two weeks later, a specialist told him he had lung cancer.
  specialist argue 1.12   But many specialists argue that the issue is more complex.
  specialist help 1.12   A bra-fit specialist can help you find the right size.
  specialist predict 1.12   Specialists predicted bidding wars for top applicants.
  specialist begin 1.05   Cancer specialists have already begun using the information.
  specialist call 1.05   Another heart specialist called it a coin toss.
  specialist work 1.05   Specialists have been working on it for two years.
  specialist question 0.99   But some legal specialists question the law itself.
  specialist suggest 0.99   But juvenile justice specialists suggested otherwise.
  specialist think 0.99   So what do health care specialists think of those charges?
  specialist advise 0.92   Kidney specialists have advised Lomu the treatment is essential.
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