21.   At least the nails are, or should be, in a neat row, and not scattered around willy-nilly.

22.   BETHEL, N.C. Spring comes to the farm in rows as neat as pigtails.

23.   Bombs explode in the distance, where forested mountains sit in a neat row before the snow-capped ones.

24.   Both the suspect and Hudggins hail from a quiet Hyde Park neighborhood where battered storefronts border neat rows of tile-roof homes with immaculate lawns.

25.   Acres of potatoes are ready to be harvested, and neat rows of pepper plants have been cultivated.

26.   Acres of potatoes are ready to be harvested and neat rows of pepper plants have just been cultivated.

27.   All are positioned in neat rows on a flat, grassy expanse, literally as far as you can see.

28.   But soon after you walk under the canopy of poplar trees that shades the neat rows of houses, the curious and childlike faces begin to appear.

29.   But the adjacent residential streets teem with manicured lawns and neat rows of houses behind heavily barred windows.

30.   Folding chairs are set up, not in the neat rows of Sunday worship, but around the stage, which stretches along much of one wall.

a. + row >>共 456
front 24.09%
second 7.31%
back 6.11%
diplomatic 4.45%
first 4.36%
third 3.25%
neat 2.76%
long 2.05%
political 1.53%
last 1.37%
neat + n. >>共 445
row 8.87%
trick 5.11%
pile 2.82%
thing 2.09%
package 1.77%
stuff 1.57%
stack 1.46%
suit 1.36%
lawn 1.36%
feature 1.25%
每页显示:    共 85