1.   They sell some really neat stuff.

2.   We confess to being hopeless materialists, surrounded by our own neat stuff.

3.   And of course, guys who would come bearing lots of neat stuff for the baby.

4.   As Captain Kirk, you wield phasers and photon torpedoes and the other neat stuff on the Enterprise against Klingons and other bad guys.

5.   Gone are the stories and people doing neat stuff.

6.   I found her because someone sent me the address, the way most people find neat stuff on the Web.

7.   I mean this is really neat stuff.

8.   Increasingly, the neat stuff at Comdex gets buried in the hype for products that are tattoo-flashy.

9.   It has some neat stuff for fish eaters like us.

10.   Neat stuff.

a. + stuff >>共 1042
good 6.57%
best 2.46%
serious 2.32%
bad 2.20%
new 2.17%
old 1.85%
great 1.42%
real 1.39%
heady 1.33%
small 1.27%
neat 0.43%
neat + n. >>共 445
row 8.87%
trick 5.11%
pile 2.82%
thing 2.09%
package 1.77%
stuff 1.57%
stack 1.46%
suit 1.36%
lawn 1.36%
feature 1.25%
每页显示:    共 15