1.   Derryberry remains his trusted musical adviser, accompanying him to concerts and often listening from the last row.

2.   For the last minutes of the film, Marge and Rowena stood behind the last row of seats.

3.   I took but little active part in last row and am thus out of the scrape.

4.   Just as the audience grew quiet, the unmistakable ring of a cellular phone emanated from the last row of the theater.

5.   In order to prevent the display from scrolling, you must not write to the last column of the last row.

6.   Belichick sat in the last row of first class.

7.   Beyond the last row of apartment blocks where Riesenberg lives, an Israeli tank was parked on a hill, its long barrel sloping down toward nearby Arab towns.

8.   After Jessie binds off the last row of a square, we admire its perfection.

9.   But a practice crash the following day forced him to start from the last row in a backup car.

10.   Cubs fans Mike and Karen Bressler were settling into the last row at Coors Field when the ball sailed over their heads like a plane taking off for Chicago.

a. + row >>共 456
front 24.09%
second 7.31%
back 6.11%
diplomatic 4.45%
first 4.36%
third 3.25%
neat 2.76%
long 2.05%
political 1.53%
last 1.37%
last + n. >>共 522
season 13.70%
year 7.78%
summer 7.20%
fall 5.24%
time 4.81%
weekend 4.53%
week 4.10%
day 3.19%
spring 3.07%
month 2.95%
row 0.05%
每页显示:    共 42