neat row 5.60   Six PCs sit in neat rows in every classroom.
  neat trick 3.23   A neat trick.
  neat pile 1.78   The clothes are in a neat pile.
  neat thing 1.32   Learning that is a neat thing.
  neat package 1.12   Neat little packages with all the ends tied up.
  neat stuff 0.99   Neat stuff.
  neat stack 0.92   Neat stacks of gold coins.
  neat lawn 0.86   This is a town of neat lawns and tidy clapboard houses.
  neat suit 0.86   At some point a man in a neat suit materialized.
  neat feature 0.79   A neat feature.
  neat idea 0.66   A few thought it was a neat idea.
  neat way 0.66   Testers thought this was a neat way for kids to learn.
  neat freak 0.59   Being a neat freak is one thing.
  neat line 0.59   Normally their chutes stack into a neat line.
  neat uniform 0.59   The neat uniforms are suddenly suggestive.
  neat appearance 0.53   A wet finger or rag will smooth a caulked joint and leave a neat appearance.
  neat pass 0.53   Malian defender Adama Coulibaly set up the second goal with a neat pass to Stephane Pedron.
  neat solution 0.53   In the end we found a very neat solution to the problem.
  neat touch 0.53   There are other neat touches.
  neat category 0.39   For American readers, however, the novel fits into no such neat category.
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