11.   The instrument measures the speed at which neutrons, a type of subatomic particle, bounce off materials on and near the lunar surface.

12.   The instrument will also measure cloud properties.

13.   The slight daily influence of moonlight on atmospheric temperature was measured by instruments aboard satellites able to record the microwave emissions of atmospheric oxygen.

14.   This instrument measures oxygen levels in the blood.

15.   The instrument will measure movement, one indicator of whether the volcano is preparing to explode.

16.   These two instruments can measure accurately minute and delicate parts without causing any damage.

n. + measure >>共 450
index 7.63%
test 4.30%
scientist 2.72%
researcher 2.46%
study 2.19%
report 1.67%
survey 1.58%
government 1.49%
instrument 1.49%
sensor 1.40%
instrument + v. >>共 187
be 29.57%
have 3.65%
measure 2.96%
detect 2.43%
come 2.26%
make 1.91%
record 1.74%
become 1.57%
sound 1.39%
fail 1.22%
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