1.   During January, the scientists measured ozone losses of about one percent per day at some heights.

2.   During January, the scientists measured ozone losses of about one per cent per day at some heights.

3.   But the size of that same canal bone reached dimensions similar to those of modern humans in many other ancient skulls that the Duke scientists have measured.

4.   For vaccinated people, the degree of security is unclear because scientists never systematically measured the length of immunity.

5.   For two decades and counting, with a growing mix of fascination and concern, scientists have been measuring big changes in the environment around the North Pole.

6.   In addition, instruments inserted through the holes and into the mound will allow scientists to measure such things as temperatures and magnetic fields.

7.   Once that rate is known, scientists can measure the age of the universe by mathematically turning back the clock to its moment of conception.

8.   Q. How do scientists measure mountains like Mount Everest?

9.   Scientists can measure spectral color, but the color we see is something different.

10.   Scientists are also measuring the pressure of trapped air within ice bubbles.

n. + measure >>共 450
index 7.63%
test 4.30%
scientist 2.72%
researcher 2.46%
study 2.19%
report 1.67%
survey 1.58%
government 1.49%
instrument 1.49%
sensor 1.40%
scientist + v. >>共 535
say 14.78%
be 6.96%
believe 4.75%
find 2.95%
have 2.51%
know 2.46%
use 1.83%
hope 1.75%
try 1.60%
think 1.53%
measure 0.27%
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