1.   California Division of Oil and Gas technicians then went to the house and got readings for hydrogen sulfide as high as their instruments would record.

2.   Forgetting to use it is still possible, but that is less likely, he said, because the instrument records when it is used.

3.   Instruments recorded roughly one lightning strike per minute during the period, a relatively small number.

4.   Other instruments recorded the soft luminance on some shuttle surfaces as the ship strikes stray particles of atomic oxygen high above Earth.

5.   Some of these also produced magnetic disturbances that were recorded by instruments.

6.   The circulating currents of a salty sea would explain the unusual magnetic readings that other Galileo instruments have recorded.

7.   Various instruments record the results.

8.   When the soil and ice are heated, instruments will record their emissions to try to pinpoint the chemical composition.

9.   Ships fire an air gun and sensitive instruments record the acoustic signature of the rebounding concussions.

10.   The map was made using earthquake information recorded by instruments.

n. + record >>共 564
camera 5.35%
company 2.49%
coroner 2.12%
history 2.05%
police 2.05%
group 1.68%
stock 1.61%
band 1.47%
device 1.17%
fund 1.03%
instrument 0.73%
instrument + v. >>共 187
be 29.57%
have 3.65%
measure 2.96%
detect 2.43%
come 2.26%
make 1.91%
record 1.74%
become 1.57%
sound 1.39%
fail 1.22%
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