11.   The gaps have shrunk faster than many analysts and investors expected.

12.   The gap has been shrinking for more than a year.

13.   He said the party would lodge a formal complaint if the gap between Iliescu and Constantinescu did not shrink by Wednesday.

n. + shrink >>共 540
economy 6.73%
tumor 2.52%
budget 2.24%
market 2.04%
deficit 2.04%
surplus 1.97%
number 1.97%
supply 1.90%
profit 1.50%
lead 1.50%
gap 0.88%
gap + v. >>共 157
be 39.20%
remain 7.66%
narrow 6.37%
widen 4.93%
close 3.71%
exist 3.26%
grow 2.81%
have 1.06%
begin 1.06%
continue 0.99%
shrink 0.99%
每页显示:    共 13