1.   Significant gaps continue in the overall performance of girls, despite the narrowing of the gender gap in verbal and mathematical performance.

2.   Eveillard predicts the valuation gap will continue to narrow, though he is less certain how that will happen.

3.   Gap will continue to tweak its businesses but is not taking any unusual steps to address the recent sluggishness in sales, Kunz said.

4.   If the gaps continue to loom, officials usually have to cut services, raise taxes or employ fiscal gimmicks to balance the budget.

5.   Maybe we should have paid more attention to those who noted that the economic gap continues to widen between CEOs and the rest of us.

6.   Now, many people expect the gap to continue to widen, as German bonds underperform U.S. markets.

7.   Projections show that the gap will continue to decrease, though not as fast.

8.   Researcher Deborah Reed said the gap probably would continue to widen.

9.   Those gaps will continue to lure investment to the U.S., thereby boosting demand for dollars.

10.   But the access gap continued to widen, with whites getting connected at a faster clip.

n. + continue >>共 1148
company 2.49%
investigation 2.20%
talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
economy 1.56%
investor 1.34%
trend 1.31%
negotiation 1.22%
price 1.20%
violence 1.07%
gap 0.03%
gap + v. >>共 157
be 39.20%
remain 7.66%
narrow 6.37%
widen 4.93%
close 3.71%
exist 3.26%
grow 2.81%
have 1.06%
begin 1.06%
continue 0.99%
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