1.   Profits have been shrinking over the last year.

2.   Analysts say companies such as Olsten Corp., Staff Builders Inc. and Housecall Medical Resources Inc. may see their profits shrink as they adjust to the new system.

3.   As these profits shrink, banks in turn may need to reduce their asset base by cutting back on lending to Japanese companies, escalating a credit crunch.

4.   Banks in the south declared losses, while banks in the richer north saw profits shrink.

5.   A driving force behind the move to Internet-based trading is the desire to cut costs in a business in which profits are shrinking on each transaction.

6.   Companies whose profits shrink as interest rates rise retreated.

7.   During the past year, as the economy slowed and corporate profits shrank, businesses slashed their workforces and cut back on investment in new plants and equipment.

8.   If rates rise, profits can shrink dramatically.

9.   Most companies are losing money, and profits are shrinking at those that are not.

10.   Michael Dell said at a recent meeting with UBS Warburg in New York that profits could shrink further in the short run, but ultimately will rebound higher.

n. + shrink >>共 540
economy 6.73%
tumor 2.52%
budget 2.24%
market 2.04%
deficit 2.04%
surplus 1.97%
number 1.97%
supply 1.90%
profit 1.50%
lead 1.50%
profit + v. >>共 359
be 29.44%
fall 6.52%
rise 6.16%
go 3.72%
grow 2.58%
come 2.31%
suffer 2.28%
continue 1.80%
decline 1.62%
improve 1.44%
shrink 0.66%
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