11.   Lightly brush mustard mixture on all sides of pork.

12.   Stir together the olive oil, vinegar, oregano and garlic and brush the mixture onto the onion slices.

13.   This mixture is brushed onto the gesso surface in at least three coats, allowed to dry and then sanded smooth.

14.   When biscuits are done, remove from oven and brush margarine mixture evenly over warm biscuits.

v. + mixture >>共 319
pour 11.76%
add 6.93%
spread 4.54%
stir 3.75%
bring 3.65%
transfer 3.37%
place 2.30%
use 1.97%
return 1.92%
spoon 1.83%
brush 0.66%
brush + n. >>共 302
tooth 20.12%
hair 6.51%
top 5.11%
side 3.50%
tear 2.00%
surface 2.00%
hand 1.90%
wall 1.80%
mixture 1.40%
edge 1.30%
每页显示:    共 14