61.  Men and women can cooperate well when they deal with the respective part which they are good at.

62.  Therefore, it is crucial for men and women to play different roles in life.

63.  In fact, men and women have always been taking different responsibilities since people existed in this world.

64.  Owing to the inherent tenderness and weakness in competitiveness and physiques compared to men, women take care of families and do family chores while men go out to work.

65.  In history, women are obedient and inferior in social status.

66.  As civilization developed, people realized the inequality and started to fight for equal rights, especially for women.

67.  And nowadays, we are still calling for equalities between men and women.

68.  However, seemingly some people misunderstand the equality as men and women playing the same role in life.

69.  Men and women are distinctive in many ways.

70.  Men grasp a situation as a whole and think globally, while women think locally, relying on details and nuances.

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