21.  And they were different from women in my hometown, because they were well educated and knew many things than women in small cities.

22.  So, I had an extremely good impression on Beijing women.

23.  I remembered that there was a girl came with her mother and her aunt, two so-said "fair ladies" from Beijing, seemed like two educated women.

24.  I felt really uncomfortable, and thought that those two ugly women were really ridiculous.

25.  For women, no matter what they want to suspect and protest, the social division of labor in accordance with the different particularities male and female is an indisputable fact.

26.  Should men and women play different roles in life?

27.  Surely, men and women are created equal, but they are different and unique.

28.  The difference in body and mind between men and women decides their disparate roles in the family and society.

29.  First, the physical differences between men and women are rather obvious and most of these can be seen and easily measured.

30.  The physical differences between men and women provide functional advantages and have survival value.

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