81.  And women's roles in life are always uncared-for.

82.  With the launching of the modern feminist movement, women play a more and more essential role in life.

83.  Women begin to employ themselves in some jobs which have been considered as men's work.

84.  Should men and women play different roles in life?

85.  Many feminists believe that men and women should play the same role in life.

86.  They think women should not be tied down to the family, and men should take responsibility for housework and child care.

87.  Of course, women are supposed to get the opportunities to play their abilities at work.

88.  But this does not mean that men and women should do the same job.

89.  Generally speaking, women are delicate and patient, while men are dauntless and strong.

90.  In daily life, women are more suitable for some trivial housework.

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