61.   Although such a view constitutes the theory, the reality is vastly different.

62.   Although the evidence was mounting that leprosy was contagious, the view was not unanimously held.

63.   An alternative view, however, suggests that enlightened self-interest is more likely than regulatory compulsion to bring about truly sustainable activities.

64.   An array of sculpture is also on view, revealing the influence of mythology and foreign culture in classical antiquity.

65.   An even more negative view of such studies has been taken in academic psychology.

66.   An experienced mountain climber, Gray rested, enjoying lunch and the view.

67.   An interesting example of this can be seen in the way that people with different disabilities view educational integration.

68.   An old blue van rattled into view.

69.   An underside view of the extended hand of a bat showing the webbed fingers which make flight possible.

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