51.   All around is a stunning view of Cape Town.

52.   All but a few seats have a partial view.

53.   All four heads took the unprompted view that there was a desperate need for professional library staff in secondary schools.

54.   All the bedrooms have a sea view.

55.   All these firms seem to be eight miles high, with the same numbing view of the lake and the mills.

56.   Also, in his view, it saves on fuel and oil costs.

57.   Also, there are only two zoom levels, which limit your ability to view a particular area.

58.   Alternatively, switch into Page Review mode to get a WYSIWYG view.

59.   Although he was a native New Yorker, like many denizens of that city he had a romantic view of country life.

60.   Although occasionally humorous, the work presents a bleak view of urban alienation.

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