81.   Anyone who has had access to classified work produced by the scientific civil service is likely to endorse this view.

82.   Articulation of modes of production and dependency theories would view the continued use of these labor forms as beneficial to capitalism.

83.   As a keen amateur astronomer I take a dim view of being mistaken for a fortune teller!

84.   As a raft of scientists have now informed me, the Rousseauian romantic view of allergies is way off.

85.   As a result the accounts produced will tend to reflect a fairly accurate view of the profitability of the business.

86.   As a result, at any time, just the tips of the twigs of any evolutionary tree are on view.

87.   As an alternative, I am proposing a slow, firm loaf that will change your view of white bread for ever.

88.   As another example of its long-standing holistic view of quality management, Motorola has extended this same focus to its non-manufacturing areas.

89.   As companies view for ever-larger Market shares, competition seeps down to the lowliest rung on the ladder.

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