1.   The maintenance of the link with the French franc has historically been regarded by the African franc zone countries as crucial to their fiscal stability, the paper said.

2.   Despite the global economic downturn, Solbes urged euro zone countries to adhere to the stability pact and not spend beyond their means.

3.   During his talks Friday morning with Obuchi, Jospin stressed that Japan would have to work with all the euro zone countries toward the goal of exchange market stability.

4.   French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin on Friday called on Japan to work with all euro zone countries, not just France, on closer foreign exchange market cooperation.

5.   French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin on Friday said that Japan will have to work with all euro zone countries on closer foreign exchange market cooperation.

6.   Obuchi stressed the benefits of closer cooperation between euro zone countries and Japan, expressing the wish that protectionism not hinder such an opening.

7.   The coins became available Monday in Germany, Greece and Portugal, and on Friday and Saturday in the other nine euro zone countries.

8.   In talks with Deby, Chirac pointed out that Chad was the only franc zone countries to have so far failed to organise multi-party elections.

9.   Distribution in the remaining euro zone countries -- Greece, Germany and Portugal -- is due to begin on Monday.

10.   Euro notes are printed in all euro zone countries except Luxembourg.

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