1.   Axman said the defense will be more basic with a greater focus on zone coverage.

2.   According to Patriots tight end coach Carl Smith, the Colts were in zone coverage against Coates in the first half, man-to-man in the second.

3.   Brown, playing deep in the zone coverage, reacted slowly when Oilers receiver Chris Sanders streaked down the sideline.

4.   Brady was open all afternoon, sneaking into wide spots in soft zone coverage.

5.   But it was also flawed zone coverage that would leave a safety deep on Smith.

6.   Conlan, who had him in short zone coverages, tried to hit him as soon as he caught the ball.

7.   CSUN is playing a lot of zone coverage, and it is getting burned.

8.   Cornerback Jason Bell made a mistake in stepping up in zone coverage instead of floating with Green.

9.   Drifts in zone coverage.

10.   Echema managed to slip in behind Roques in zone coverage and Whitfield was a couple of steps late getting to the ball.

n. + coverage >>共 425
news 14.13%
medium 13.92%
television 9.34%
drug 8.86%
health 7.41%
press 5.04%
prescription 4.61%
pass 2.03%
zone 1.20%
sport 0.97%
zone + n. >>共 197
defense 31.14%
coverage 7.93%
blitz 7.34%
trap 2.84%
country 2.10%
press 1.20%
offense 1.20%
boundary 1.20%
team 1.05%
program 0.75%
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