1.   Campaigners are calling for a worldwide ban on the use of land mines.

2.   An overwhelming majority of Americans would now agree that enforcing a worldwide ban on biological weapons has become an urgent international challenge.

3.   And until such a worldwide ban is signed, the United States will continue to use land mines for years to come, especially defending South Korea.

4.   And there are the lawmakers who promoted bills that would have exempted Arizona from a worldwide ban on Freon and granted legal protection from hate crimes to vegetables.

5.   But President Clinton has an opportunity to do better by deciding that the United States will stop using antipersonnel land mines, and by encouraging a worldwide ban.

6.   Early last week the European Union imposed a worldwide ban on exports of British beef and byproducts, from gelatin to cosmetics.

7.   Finally, the administration needs to broaden its approach to a worldwide ban on the production of plutonium and enriched uranium.

8.   For most of this year, these and other holdouts have stymied a parallel attempt to negotiate a worldwide ban on land mines through the United Nations.

9.   Having decided to stop nuclear testing, the Russian military is not happy to see other nations flout the call for a worldwide ban on nuclear explosions.

10.   He and other spokesmen for the group pleaded the cause of a controlled worldwide ban on nuclear weapons on Capitol Hill and before the public.

a. + ban >>共 485
total 8.46%
such 4.36%
global 4.27%
proposed 3.88%
worldwide 3.63%
outright 2.92%
constitutional 2.92%
complete 2.53%
international 2.47%
federal 2.36%
worldwide + n. >>共 1192
ban 2.60%
network 2.32%
market 2.14%
demand 2.14%
attention 1.85%
sale 1.77%
computer 1.45%
operation 1.37%
condemnation 1.35%
campaign 1.15%
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