1.   A less controversial proposal was a constitutional ban on the extradition of drug traffickers to stand trial in the United States.

2.   Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.

3.   Pete Wilson, has vowed to remove language in the party platform that calls for a constitutional ban on abortions.

4.   Robert Dornan and Patrick Buchanan -- to pledge to continue to include in the Republican platform a constitutional ban on abortions.

5.   The convention could include a battle over whether to retain the platform plank calling for a constitutional ban on abortion.

6.   The Republican agenda included a constitutional ban on abortion.

7.   They must somehow persuade Republicans to de-emphasize a constitutional ban in order to win allies outside of the antiabortion camp.

8.   A package of economic reforms increased enterprise autonomy, and the constitutional ban on seeking foreign credits and investment was relaxed.

9.   As President, zal refused to consider an immediate suspension of the constitutional ban on political parties.

10.   An assistant attorney general for Virginia, Pamela A. Rumpz, argued vigorously Wednesday against a constitutional ban.

a. + ban >>共 485
total 8.46%
such 4.36%
global 4.27%
proposed 3.88%
worldwide 3.63%
outright 2.92%
constitutional 2.92%
complete 2.53%
international 2.47%
federal 2.36%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
ban 1.28%
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