1.   A RECENT survey says workers are more likely to do overtime if their boss is handsome.

2.   Add in temporary staff and the self-employed and two workers in five are outside permanent, full-time employment.

3.   Advice workers are encouraged to learn sign language.

4.   As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire.

5.   Besides, workers are more accountable and productive on the job site.

6.   But not all workers are dependent and prone to inner-directed aggression or to schizoid withdrawal.

7.   But workers here are accustomed to lifetime employment and see the provisions as a major threat to their job security.

8.   But workers were paid low wages, lived mostly in overcrowded bunkhouses and were subjected to daily body searches and internal scans.

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worker + v. >>共 711
be 10.87%
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