1.   Bowden is part of a long line of observers, admirers, and foes who have helped gild his legend, a legend Escobar himself worked to enhance.

2.   But that persistence of the knowledge that can be imparted by images can also work to enhance understanding, if the images themselves are real and not misleading.

3.   Clinton cited the Texas case as just one example of how the Brady law has worked to enhance law enforcement efforts nationwide.

4.   In the meantime, AudioNet is working to enhance delivery of rodeo cybercasts with images, which at this point is a difficult process, Jacoby said.

5.   She also served on a British-American crisis team that worked to enhance relations between British civilians and American military personnel stationed in Britain.

6.   So what if it works to enhance sex for pure pleasure- seekers, too?

7.   The company had been working to enhance its voice technology with a company called Articulate Systems Inc.

8.   They are working to enhance spawning habitat in four tributary rivers.

9.   Microsoft has worked to enhance the macro-recording capability of its products.

10.   The Group of Eight on Wednesday condemned the attacks on the United States and said its members were working to enhance cooperation against terrorism.

v. + enhance >>共 45
use 31.03%
work 9.48%
do 7.76%
add 5.17%
create 3.45%
act 2.59%
develop 2.59%
can 2.59%
test 1.72%
draw 1.72%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
bring 1.64%
reduce 1.59%
build 1.50%
restore 1.50%
enhance 0.19%
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