1.   Five regionally based personnel manager posts were created to enhance the personnel service offered to the retail division.

2.   The BIS also supervises the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, created to enhance bank-reporting and solvency standards.

3.   They came out of districts created to enhance black power.

v. + enhance >>共 45
use 31.03%
work 9.48%
do 7.76%
add 5.17%
create 3.45%
act 2.59%
develop 2.59%
can 2.59%
test 1.72%
draw 1.72%
create + v. >>共 362
help 4.93%
use 4.70%
make 2.24%
provide 2.13%
oversee 1.90%
handle 1.68%
prevent 1.46%
protect 1.46%
deal 1.34%
give 1.23%
enhance 0.45%
每页显示:    共 4