1.   Expert groups in many Western countries have already Decided to lobby for changes towards a healthier lifestyle without waiting for results.

2.   However, most people see these institutions as promulgating the wealth and power of rich Western countries.

3.   I have heard congregations sing to the beat of salsa, bossa Nova, country western, and a dozen other tempos.

4.   In western countries, in modern times, economic growth and expanding public activity have, with rare exceptions, gone together.

5.   In Western countries, parents are likely to want about equal numbers of sons and daughters.

6.   Instead, Britain and other Western countries took the easy path of leaving it to Washington.

7.   It differs widely from Marriage as seen in earlier periods of social development or in some other Western countries.

8.   Moreover, in most respects the pattern of growth was not far out of line with that of early industrialization in western industrialized countries.

9.   Most other Western countries are overeating, and the developing countries are fast catching up.

a. + country >>共 454
the 15.05%
european 5.86%
arab 4.04%
asian 3.56%
african 3.24%
neighboring 2.51%
foreign 2.50%
western 2.42%
poor 1.82%
communist 1.59%
western + n. >>共 695
diplomat 7.59%
country 5.50%
state 3.58%
nation 3.54%
government 3.07%
official 3.05%
leader 2.11%
power 1.98%
alliance 1.97%
part 1.81%
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