1.   Britain dumps more of its waste than any other European country.

2.   Eastern European countries were gradually making the transition to a Market economy.

3.   High unemployment rates are a perennial problem in several European countries.

4.   In the experience of many European countries, socialism and religion do not go well together.

5.   Most European countries have a mixture of commercial and state-run television.

6.   Representatives from several European countries met to map out details of the proposed aid program.

7.   Several European countries made similar pledges.

8.   The introduction of the Euro should make trade between European countries much easier.

9.   The President will be visiting four European countries.

10.   The report compares average incomes across different European countries.

a. + country >>共 454
the 15.05%
european 5.86%
arab 4.04%
asian 3.56%
african 3.24%
neighboring 2.51%
foreign 2.50%
western 2.42%
poor 1.82%
communist 1.59%
european + n. >>共 813
country 9.46%
currency 5.89%
market 3.62%
nation 2.94%
leader 2.24%
company 1.92%
government 1.63%
tour 1.51%
ally 1.51%
official 1.37%
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