1.   We can get some sort of control reference by comparing figures for fatalities and serious injuries during commuting hours with those during weekend nights.

2.   And new episodes will continue to run once a week on weekend nights for another two years.

3.   At some places you get a free third night with two weekend nights booked.

4.   A more recent regular, Bowe drives an hour and a half from Wisconsin to be here on weekend nights.

5.   A group of teen-agers from Springfield said they often go to the slopes with friends on weekend nights.

6.   Action shows turn up mainly on independent television stations which have hours to fill, usually on weekend nights.

7.   But tickets were still available for partying at Lotus, which is hard to get into on a regular weekend night.

8.   But tune in some weekend night to check out his new hairdo.

9.   He almost seemed flustered when he told them to enjoy their last weekend night, then corrected himself to say the last night of being sequestered.

10.   He spent one night last weekend in his office so that he could keep a watch on his latest experiment.

n. + night >>共 337
election 16.53%
summer 10.31%
winter 7.32%
week 3.80%
weekend 3.51%
prom 2.85%
draft 2.34%
school 1.98%
fight 1.76%
spring 1.68%
weekend + n. >>共 1636
meeting 3.35%
game 2.27%
election 1.81%
trip 1.64%
series 1.63%
talk 1.51%
rain 1.46%
summit 1.40%
visit 1.31%
attack 1.11%
night 0.61%
每页显示:    共 48