1.   And forecasts call for more rain this weekend along with cooler temperatures.

2.   A low-ball hitter, Azinger was helped by heavy rain last weekend that left the course softer than usual.

3.   A weekend rain had flooded some of the two-lane roads on the outskirts of town, so school was closed.

4.   But prices were supported after less weekend rain than predicted fell in a key soybean-growing region of Brazil.

5.   Corn and soybean futures rose amid concern that weekend rains in the Midwest might be insufficient to slow deterioration of the parched crops.

6.   Corn and soybean futures slid today on the Chicago Board of Trade, after weekend rains and cool temperatures across the Midwest improved growing conditions.

7.   Corn and soybeans rose on speculation that weekend rain might be insufficient to revive crops after a month of dry weather.

8.   Corn planting conditions look favorable, said traders, and weekend rains helped replenish some areas hard-hit by a drought last season.

9.   Corn prices soared as weekend rain and forecasts for additional precipitation this week delayed planting in the eastern U.S. crop regions.

n. + rain >>共 92
monsoon 34.82%
weekend 12.10%
spring 11.57%
summer 7.01%
morning 5.94%
winter 5.84%
week 2.65%
year 2.44%
fall 1.49%
afternoon 1.27%
weekend + n. >>共 1636
meeting 3.35%
game 2.27%
election 1.81%
trip 1.64%
series 1.63%
talk 1.51%
rain 1.46%
summit 1.40%
visit 1.31%
attack 1.11%
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