1.   We had difficulty persuading our kids out of the creche and into their different groups, they liked the wee ones so much!

2.   See those, the Honda Civic, that wee white one.

3.   I dunno, wee round one.

4.   Well I got that, I got that for the wee ones.

5.   As the wee ones stray from the pile, a grandmother dog nudges them back to mother, gives baths and generally spoils the whole litter.

6.   From the time Woods was a wee one, Nicklaus has been the yardstick by which he has measured the growth of his game.

7.   Gore swooped in to provide the forlorn wee ones with the presidential-style campaign they had been promised.

8.   He should take some time off and help his wife with the wee one.

9.   No more hacking paychecks in half to finance cutesy camps where wee ones waste weeks weaving coasters out of Popsicle sticks.

10.   Osie, like other wee ones at her Dorchester day-care center, probably had a good fix already on the bearded guy holding the Chiquita.

a. + one >>共 1064
only 8.66%
new 6.21%
loved 4.78%
first 2.82%
old 2.62%
good 2.51%
last 2.09%
big 1.77%
next 1.10%
second 1.09%
wee 0.04%
wee + n. >>共 102
hour 57.95%
bit 13.28%
one 2.82%
boy 1.81%
man 0.80%
morning 0.80%
dram 0.60%
lad 0.60%
bottle 0.40%
creature 0.40%
每页显示:    共 14