1.   As for the holiday, I agree with you, it sounds a wee bit unlikely.

2.   Monica is a wee bit overweight.

3.   Of course some of Our Guild Members are dare I say it just that wee bit narrow minded.

4.   Reason I ask, Mr Rasmussen says you seemed a wee bit tipsy.

5.   She looked a wee bit confused.

6.   He just needs to calm down a wee bit.

7.   Can I tag a wee bit onto that?

a. + bit >>共 809
good 4.07%
last 3.63%
tiny 3.59%
small 3.01%
the 2.97%
wee 2.92%
little 2.92%
browned 2.52%
slightest 2.35%
fair 1.42%
wee + n. >>共 102
hour 57.95%
bit 13.28%
one 2.82%
boy 1.81%
man 0.80%
morning 0.80%
dram 0.60%
lad 0.60%
bottle 0.40%
creature 0.40%
每页显示:    共 66