1.   The court or the Secretary of State may waive reporting restrictions in individual cases for the benefit of the child.

2.   And although patients can waive such restrictions, they generally do not.

3.   Any advance purchase restrictions are waived.

4.   As part of the compromise, the administration won the right to waive this restriction if it chooses.

5.   A provision of the amendment grants the president power to waive restrictions on trade and other benefits if the country at issue allows free emigration.

6.   Bush, however, denied reports that his administration planned to waive restrictions on military aid to other countries that have been sanctioned.

7.   But the firm waived those restrictions last month to allow the partners to donate stock to organizations, which can then turn around and sell the shares.

8.   Clinton could waive the restrictions if he made a finding that Azerbaijan had made progress toward ending the blockade.

9.   Congress seems likely to approve legislation that would waive antitrust restrictions so competing media companies could work together in developing codes that would limit violence in their products.

10.   Should the legislation stand, Clinton could again waive the restrictions, but a consequence would be further cuts in family planning financing.

v. + restriction >>共 402
impose 12.33%
ease 11.92%
lift 11.71%
place 4.51%
remove 3.24%
tighten 3.05%
have 2.93%
relax 2.56%
loosen 2.36%
face 2.07%
waive 0.61%
waive + n. >>共 222
right 19.53%
fee 8.51%
requirement 5.62%
sanction 4.66%
rule 3.92%
extradition 3.70%
immunity 3.48%
penalty 2.44%
provision 2.29%
restriction 2.22%
每页显示:    共 30