1.   Kirgan et al found that colonic neoplasms contain both HPV antigen and viral genome.

2.   The capacity of ASFV to encode such proteins suggests that ASFV transcription is carried out by a multimeric enzyme whose subunits are encoded in the viral genome.

3.   They then put this regulator sequence into the viral genome, adding it to a larger gene that is critical for viral replication.

4.   It is currently used as a diagnostic tool for confirming viral myocarditis in patients through the amplification of minute quantities of viral genomes present in their heart myocardium.

a. + genome >>共 65
human 71.48%
entire 4.30%
complete 2.15%
whole 2.15%
full 1.56%
bacterial 1.37%
animal 1.17%
completed 0.98%
viral 0.78%
available 0.59%
viral + n. >>共 135
infection 36.74%
disease 10.02%
meningitis 4.38%
load 4.38%
hepatitis 3.03%
pneumonia 2.82%
illness 2.40%
strain 2.09%
protein 1.98%
gene 1.88%
genome 0.42%
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