viral infection 23.17   A burned-out viral infection?
  viral disease 6.32   The viral disease is spread by mosquitoes.
  viral load 2.76   My viral load is undetectable.
  viral meningitis 2.76   He contracted glandular fever and viral meningitis.
  viral hepatitis 1.91   There are no specific treatments for acute benign viral hepatitis.
  viral pneumonia 1.78   Viral pneumonia was the diagnosis.
  viral illness 1.51   Now there are drugs for flu, herpes, AIDS and other viral illnesses.
  viral strain 1.32   The viral strain isolated in the boy is still deadly to chickens, though.
  viral protein 1.25   Viral proteins and skin proteins both spill out of the cell.
  viral gene 1.18   When cellular genes were turned on, so were the viral genes.
  viral replication 1.18   The tat gene of HIV controls the rate of viral DNA replication.
  viral fever 0.92   In its early stage, dengue appears to be like any other viral fever.
  viral particle 0.92   The viral particles, in turn, adhere to the antibodies.
  viral encephalitis 0.86   There have also been two fatal cases of viral encephalitis, transmitted by mosquitoes, in North Carolina this summer.
  viral level 0.86   Six of eight patients still had viral levels below where they started.
  viral resistance 0.79   Viral resistance that severely compromises drug use is common.
  viral attack 0.53   At any stage, the body can throw up a roadblock and slow or prevent the viral attack.
  viral outbreak 0.53   The six-month viral outbreak has thrown the Southeast Asian nation into confusion.
  viral enzyme 0.46   Unlike existing drugs, it does not inhibit specific viral enzymes.
  viral throat 0.46   He also missed time with a right shoulder injury and viral throat infection.
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