1.   Where the idealised and original versions diverge most noticeably is in the way in which the descriptive frame is deployed.

2.   It is at this point that the versions diverge substantially.

3.   Sun says that version diverges from an agreed-upon standard.

4.   There the versions diverge.

n. + diverge >>共 99
path 11.96%
interest 8.70%
story 4.35%
account 3.80%
opinion 3.80%
view 3.80%
road 3.26%
version 2.17%
species 1.63%
two 1.63%
version + v. >>共 388
be 35.91%
have 7.15%
include 2.96%
move 2.41%
come 2.24%
contain 1.90%
allow 1.44%
use 1.14%
follow 1.14%
do 1.10%
diverge 0.17%
每页显示:    共 4