1.   Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.

2.   From there, the road diverges.

3.   Two roads diverged in a wood,

4.   Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

5.   Yamanouchi, Japan -- In the middle of my Olympic journey, I came to a place where two roads diverged in a wood.

6.   The road now diverges and the US racer will no longer follow her racing colleagues around the gruelling World Cup, world championships and Olympic circuit.

n. + diverge >>共 99
path 11.96%
interest 8.70%
story 4.35%
account 3.80%
opinion 3.80%
view 3.80%
road 3.26%
version 2.17%
species 1.63%
two 1.63%
road + v. >>共 368
be 40.19%
lead 4.83%
remain 2.72%
run 2.22%
become 1.91%
have 1.69%
go 1.52%
take 1.31%
get 1.24%
make 1.20%
diverge 0.21%
每页显示:    共 6