1.   Burbank-based Warner and its allies also plan to start selling DVD, or digital versatile disc, products nationwide in September.

2.   Digital versatile disc players are well on their way to joining TVs, VCRs, PCs and CD players as a must-have consumer electronics product.

3.   Digital versatile discs or DVD This technology makes it possible to run full-motion movies and high-end games on the computer.

4.   Digital versatile discs are the same size as audio compact discs but with seven times the capacity.

5.   DVD originally stood for digital video disc, and a few marketing types for a while tried to get consumers to call them digital versatile discs.

6.   DVD, which stands for digital video disc or digital versatile disc, eclipses video cassettes in movie quality.

7.   DVDs, or digital versatile discs, are the same size as compact discs with seven times the capacity.

8.   For example, EDS signed a deal in April with Image Entertainment to provide technical services on the highly touted digital versatile disc format.

9.   Its successor is DVD, which stands for digital versatile disc.

10.   Some manufacturers also offer DVD drives, which stands for digital versatile disc.

a. + disc >>共 303
herniated 8.91%
video 8.33%
digital 7.66%
new 6.13%
bulging 4.89%
pirated 2.59%
floppy 2.11%
versatile 1.72%
hard 1.72%
first 1.63%
versatile + n. >>共 241
player 11.01%
disc 3.96%
athlete 1.98%
forward 1.76%
actor 1.54%
actress 1.54%
musician 1.54%
midfielder 1.32%
man 1.32%
offense 1.32%
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