1.   Colin gave the wrong advice about getting floppy disc out when jammed and then I deleted the stuff off the hard disc.

2.   Nothing, not a note, not an old article, not a floppy disc.

3.   The results of a search can be stored on a floppy disc or printed out.

4.   The data used in this example are listed in Appendix G, and are available on an MS-DOS format floppy disc suitable for IBM PCs.

5.   Floppy discs from the design computer can be inserted directly into the machine enabling a sample to be made within hours instead of days.

6.   And I had these floppy discs lying around that had B.B. King samples.

7.   Apple also justified the decision by noting that floppy discs traditionally have been used to back up files and to transfer work between computers.

8.   A number of my friends have chosen the Sony Mavica line, which uses a floppy disc.

9.   Experts noted that electronics or floppy discs could be ruined by the high-energy beams.

10.   If organ donation is your wish, the manual that comes with the floppy disc lists an address to request a Uniform Donor Card.

a. + disc >>共 303
herniated 8.91%
video 8.33%
digital 7.66%
new 6.13%
bulging 4.89%
pirated 2.59%
floppy 2.11%
versatile 1.72%
hard 1.72%
first 1.63%
floppy + n. >>共 83
drive 30.40%
hat 16.85%
disc 8.06%
ear 6.59%
hair 2.56%
shoe 2.20%
diskette 1.47%
bow 1.10%
sun 1.10%
fringe 0.73%
每页显示:    共 22