1.   But for all the analysis of business models and strategies, much of the magic of America Online, say observers, lies with its utter simplicity.

2.   Describe it as utter simplicity achieved by means of unnoticed complication.

3.   In use, the PhotoPC is utter simplicity.

4.   The Ski Haus and Point Lookout share a beauty that comes from their utter simplicity and practicality.

5.   With utter simplicity, and with unexpectedly intense storytelling, it achieves all that and more.

6.   This is music of utter simplicity which parades its heart on its sleeve.

a. + simplicity >>共 191
voluntary 5.59%
elegant 4.66%
apparent 3.11%
relative 3.11%
deceptive 2.17%
seeming 1.86%
stark 1.86%
utter 1.86%
great 1.55%
appealing 1.24%
utter + n. >>共 262
lack 5.99%
chaos 3.60%
failure 3.08%
disbelief 2.91%
silence 2.91%
devastation 2.40%
despair 2.23%
confusion 1.88%
contempt 1.88%
nonsense 1.71%
simplicity 1.03%
每页显示:    共 6