1.   After the party, the whole house was in utter chaos.

2.   But when she entered the house, she was confronted by a scene of utter chaos.

3.   I went to rejoin the train and it was utter chaos.

4.   It looked like utter chaos to me, but organised chaos.

5.   She sat on the bed looking at the utter chaos around her.

6.   We are at least halfway through the looking glass, on our way to utter chaos.

7.   And our families and homes will be left unguarded as society descends into utter chaos.

8.   But in the long run, even with all the lessons he learned that day, he said it will always be impossible to perfectly prepare for utter chaos.

9.   If this regime collapses, the morning after will be utter chaos.

10.   If religious inconvenience were not enough, the ususal pre-public opening bustle and confusion this year amounted to utter chaos.

a. + chaos >>共 348
economic 10.20%
political 8.59%
ensuing 3.74%
financial 3.54%
total 3.23%
social 2.22%
utter 2.12%
controlled 1.82%
current 1.72%
further 1.62%
utter + n. >>共 262
lack 5.99%
chaos 3.60%
failure 3.08%
disbelief 2.91%
silence 2.91%
devastation 2.40%
despair 2.23%
confusion 1.88%
contempt 1.88%
nonsense 1.71%
每页显示:    共 21