1.   During the campaign against uranium mining, the legitimacy of the central state was constantly challenged.

2.   India can now boast nuclear capability throughout the full cycle from uranium mining to waste reprocessing.

3.   And the widespread resumption of uranium mining will bring political headaches for the Australian government over health hazards and environmental damage.

4.   A young woman with fire in her eyes, she is particularly incensed over uranium mining and the way it erodes the cultural and physical landscape of her ancestors.

5.   Currently under a Labor Party government, uranium mining is restricted to a maximum of three mines, and in effect only two.

6.   One of the first things the coalition did was abolish the limits on uranium mining.

7.   Open to investment will be telecommunications, railways and gold, copper and uranium mining.

8.   Ponytail was an heir to a fortune in uranium mining.

9.   She is particularly incensed over uranium mining and the way it erodes the cultural and physical landscape of her ancestors.

10.   Suppose that land has been contaminated by mining companies or by radioactive tailings left over from uranium mining.

n. + mining >>共 48
coal 33.33%
strip 6.94%
datum 6.48%
uranium 6.02%
diamond 5.09%
mountaintop 3.70%
hardrock 2.78%
gem 2.31%
gravel 2.31%
open-pit 2.31%
uranium + n. >>共 128
mine 8.94%
fuel 7.52%
ammunition 4.47%
oxide 4.47%
plant 4.27%
export 4.07%
miner 4.07%
enrichment 3.66%
mining 2.64%
shell 2.64%
每页显示:    共 13