1.   But sanctuary status at Stellwagen Bank currently brings little more than restrictions on sand and gravel mining.

2.   But the State Land Department leased part of the wash for sand and gravel mining last year, a lucrative deal these days.

3.   It is depleted by dredging and gravel mining.

4.   The Endangered Species Act allows mandatory controls on such things as logging, gravel mining, recreation and other uses along rivers and streams.

5.   When the dust settled, the sanctuary restricted only a handful of activities, such as sand and gravel mining and gas pipelines.

n. + mining >>共 48
coal 33.33%
strip 6.94%
datum 6.48%
uranium 6.02%
diamond 5.09%
mountaintop 3.70%
hardrock 2.78%
gem 2.31%
gravel 2.31%
open-pit 2.31%
gravel + n. >>共 81
road 32.41%
pit 15.79%
path 5.26%
bed 4.71%
driveway 3.60%
drive 3.05%
bar 2.77%
trap 2.49%
garden 1.39%
mining 1.39%
每页显示:    共 5